In their new film Baywatch, Dwayne Johnson’s character refuses to call Zac Efron’s character by his name. Instead, he refers to him by several nicknames throughout the course of the film, including but not limited to “Baby Gap,” “One Direction,” “Bieber,” and “Malibu Ken.”
According to Efron, none of the nicknames were in the script, and caught him all completely off guard, especially one. At one point, Johnson calls Efron “High School Musical,” which is sure to delight all in the audience who discovered Efron through the popular Disney musicals. The name is costar Priyanka Chopra’s personal favorite.
Efron was completely cool with it though. Johnson told MTV, “He was so down with it, which made it work. I love that about Zac. There’s not a lot of movie stars, who are like, ‘Yes! Make me the butt of every joke.’ Plus, he’s an easy target.”
Baywatch is out now!