Pennywise the Clown doesn’t need any help in being creepy.
The main character of the Stephen King classic IT does such a great job in scaring people, the World Clown Association has condemned the recent film for causing “real clowns” to lose work. But one family in Mississippi decided to take the scary notch and move it a little to the right.
Eagan Tilghman, a 17-year-old from Mississippi, decided to dress his three-year-old brother Louise, as Pennywise the Clown, and if they were going for creepy, they achieved creepy.
Eagan often uses his seven younger siblings in his photo shoots, but he admits Louie is always the most enthusiastic. He told, “He loves doing all the photo shoots. You tell him to do his happy face and you tell him to do his mean face, and that’s the two faces he did in all the pictures.”
Via Huffington Post